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We help assistants find their perfect career match!

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For assistants

Personal attention for your ambitions and talents

Our Assistants work in the higher segment and are sparring partners who think along, are very strong in terms of content and have a fine sense of the hard and soft side of the business. Our Assistants have a sounding board function and advise at manager level, solve problems independently and bear final responsibility for various projects. The industry, organizational culture and the type of person you will be working for must suit you. Because with intensive cooperation, the personal click ensures success!

Every Assistant and every director, executive, entrepreneur, commissioner, or artist is different. We are very curious about your knowledge and experience, but perhaps even more curious about who you are and what your ambitions and talents are. We are happy to give you insight into your talents and motivations through MatchQ’s talent analysis, which you can participate in without obligation.

Talent Analysis Test

Discover your skills as an assistant!

Discover through our talent analysis whether you have the right competencies as an assistant!

We believe that talent is the basis for success. By investigating where your talents lie, you will know better what kind of job as an assistant and which company suits you best. Are you curious if your talents match?

Start the test


How does it work?

  • 1

    Introductory meeting with ONTAPE

  • 2

    Permanent service, interim or secondment?

  • 3

    First meeting with the employer

  • 4

    Make an assessment and discuss it afterwards with ONTAPE

  • 5

    Second interview with the client

  • 6

    Congratulations with your new job!

  • Permanent Jobs

    Your next challenge

    The perfect job connects on several levels. The industry, organizational culture and the type of person you will be working for must suit you. Because with intensive cooperation, the personal click ensures success! That is why we look beyond your CV, knowledge and experience. In our application procedure, we really want to get to know you and we conduct a talent analysis. This allows us to introduce you to an employer who is also a match in terms of personality, motivations and talents. If there is a match on both sides, you will be employed by the employer.

  • Temporary jobs

    Working as a freelance professional

    ONTAPE has a large network of companies that are temporarily looking for a Personal Assistant, Executive Assistant, Office Manager or Executive Secretary to replace failure due to long-term sick leave, maternity leave or to strengthen until a permanent Assistant is hired. For you, this is the opportunity to gain professional experience in the higher segment through secondment or on an interim basis. Are you currently working for yourself as an experienced Assistant or are you thinking of starting for yourself? Then quickly view our current range of vacancies or contact us directly.

  • Coaching

    Improving your performance!

    A new job is always a challenge for both a starting and an experienced Assistant. We are convinced that coaching provides personal insight, awareness, reflection and a realistic self-image. This results in more self-confidence, more job satisfaction, better performance and growth in terms of work content. During your application procedure, you make a free Talent Analysis, which provides insight into your talents and motivations. Once you have started via ONTAPE, we offer you three personal coaching sessions of 1.5 hours with our experienced coaches. In this way you will have the opportunity to discuss various issues or challenges and to continue to grow in your development.

Our coaches


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Reviews from our assistants

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    Been able to fulfill beautiful assignments since September 2021 and still working full of enthusiasm via ONTAPE. Perfect mediation for me as a freelancer.

    Interim Executive Assistant at BCG Samantha Zwart
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    I have experienced the mediation by ONTAPE as very pleasant due to, among other things, the fine communication and friendliness. Bas and Coen helped me find a new job and I'm glad I'm now doing something that really suits me!

    Management Assistant at PwC Anouk Gouka
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    I have worked with different agencies in my career, but what makes ONTAPE really special is their great involvement in the process. This manifests itself in, among other things, providing good preparation for the first interview with the employer and a message or telephone call afterwards to ask how it went. ONTAPE is also very approachable and they are very open in their communication. I am very satisfied!

    Executive Assistant to CFO at GoodHabitz Femke van Ree
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    The contact with Bas was always fast, clear, pleasant and in for a joke. When I was nervous he was able to reassure me very nicely and through Bas's mediation I found my dream job at PwC where I have been working since January 2023. Bas, thank you so much for all your help!

    Management Assistant at PwC Saskia Vlasblom

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Would you like to know whether we can help you find the next step in your career or find suitable talent for your organization? Then get in touch with us.
